You can help stop the spread of Covid-19
Sharing how you feel will help scientists and public health experts find new hotspots and identify populations that could be at risk. The data can also reveal which health measures are having the fastest impact so we can apply those learnings in other areas.

How it works:
Answer a few basic questions about yourself. Next, tell us how you’re feeling. It takes just a few seconds.
You’ll receive daily email reminders to take the survey. It’s important to take the survey even on days you feel well. This will help our public health experts track the health of our community.

"The COVID-19 pandemic presents us with a challenge like none we have ever seen as a community. Whether you are from Rochester or Geneseo, Sodus or Penn Yan, or anywhere in between, everyone across our region can play a vital role in preserving public health by participating in the ROC COVID-19 health screener. The information we share together will help every corner of our community prevent the spread of COVID-19 throughout the region"
Dr. Michael Mendoza
Monroe County Commissioner of Public Health
Have questions? Find answers!
Frequently Asked Questions
The ROCCovid initiative aims to help identify COVID-19 outbreaks in our community earlier
than is currently possible, so we can keep you and your circle safe and re-open the region
If we can identify outbreaks early, we can help keep you and your family and friends safer
by stopping outbreaks before they spread. If we see increasing symptom rates in your ZIP
code, for example, we can work with community partners to provide more resources to your
neighborhood, such as free testing sites, mask distribution and educational outreach. If
we can contain outbreaks, we can help our region reopen as quickly as possible.
No, RocCOVID does not track individuals. All personally identifiable information is removed and all
analysis of the data is at the ZIP code level or higher. Unlike phone apps, RocCOVID is a web-based
tool that does not track location data from your phone.
We use your phone number or email only to send you the daily reminder to report symptoms.
The tool will be more effective if you report every day. If symptom hot spots appear,
resources will be deployed to those areas to stop outbreaks more quickly and effectively
stop these outbreaks. The data may also be used later to evaluate how effective these
efforts are, but this will be at the community level and will not include any of your
personal data.
Public health scientists and health care providers will use the de-identified data to
understand how symptoms related to COVID-19 are showing up in our region. If symptom hot
spots appear, resources will be deployed to the ZIP code to stop outbreaks quickly and
Send an email to and our team will help you fix your response.
It’s important to identify how symptoms are emerging across different communities. This
information helps us better understand the patterns we’re seeing in the data. COVID-19 may
have more severe symptoms or spread more rapidly in certain population groups. To ensure
health care is being extended to all members of our community we need to know how it is
impacting different gender, racial and age groups.
Yes. Data is encrypted and stored in a secure environment by Common Ground Health, our
region’s health research and planning agency.
No, your answers will not affect your employment. Because your answers to the symptom
tracker are not linked to you as an individual, no person or organization will have access
to your answers, including employers, health care systems, government agencies or other
Yes. We all forget to do a part of our routine every once in a while. If you miss a day
please keep logging on and completing the screener.
No, please report whether you are well or having symptoms. Most people on most days will
not have symptoms. Hearing from everyone will give us a measure of what proportion of
residents are feeling health or having symptoms.
The ROCCovid initiative does not directly provide any type of laboratory testing to
individuals. If the initiative does identify an area that has a potential outbreak,
additional outreach to that community and resources may be sent out.
If you are having a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.
If you think you need to be seen but you are not having a medical emergency, please contact your primary care provider (PCP) or visit a local Urgent Care Center.
If you think you need to be seen but you are not having a medical emergency, please contact your primary care provider (PCP) or visit a local Urgent Care Center.
Send an email to with the correct information and our team will help you
update your response.
With their permission you could establish a different account using a separate email or
phone number and reply for them.
Yes. Please also continue to practice hand washing, social distancing, and masking in
Yes. One (or more) negative tests does not rule out getting COVID-19 in the future
infection, and there are also sometimes false negative tests. Symptoms may indicate a
possible infection before testing. Please also continue to practice hand washing, social
distancing, and masking.
We are not currently collecting information for individuals under the age of 18.